Sustainable Urban Planning News

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Navigating Urban Planning: From Capstone to Loudoun County

February 8, 2024

In this podcast episode, Kristian Maldonado shares his amazing journey into the world of urban planning.

Marketplace quoted Scott Sklar in the article "Why lithium prices have been on a roller coaster ride," by Henry Epp.

February 6, 2024

Marketplace quoted Scott Sklar in the article “Why lithium prices have been on a roller coaster ride,’’

Marketplace quoted Scott Sklar in the article "Why lithium prices have been on a roller coaster ride," by Henry Epp.

February 6, 2024

Marketplace quoted Scott Sklar in the article "Why lithium prices have been on a roller coaster ride,"

GW's Urban Planning Program: Nurturing Tomorrow's Climate Resilient Planners

December 26, 2023

In this episode, we delve into the world of sustainable urban planning with Ms. Sandra Whitehead, Program Director, Sustainable Urban Planning Program at CPS.

Four speaker headshots, 3 women 1 man

Salon Series Provides Forum to Discuss Emerging Issues in Urban Planning

November 21, 2023

The Sustainable Urban Planning Salon Series features thought leaders discussing emerging issues & ideas relevant to urban planning and sustainability professionals.

Bloomberg Law quoted Rachael Jonassen, director of climate change and greenhouse gas management in the Environmental and Energy Management Institute, in the article “Rising Seas Imperil US Sites, Military Bases Worth $387 Billion,’

September 21, 2023

Bloomberg Law quoted Rachael Jonassen, director of climate change and greenhouse gas management in the Environmental and Energy Management Institute, in the article “Rising Seas Imperil US Sites, Military Bases Worth $387 Billion,’

Sustainable Urban Planning Alumna Wins Award

May 31, 2023

The American Planning Association's Economic Development Division selected Grace Fleming MPS ‘22 as deserving honorable mention for the Holzheimer Scholarship.

SUP students at capstone

Urban Planning Students Showcase Capstone Projects

May 31, 2023

The Sustainable Urban Planning Program (SUP) hosted a Capstone Showcase May 5. The five students who are graduating this spring discussed their individual projects.