Social media play a crucial role in political campaigns' communications, panelists at a recent GW event agreed. “Anybody who is not focusing on Twitter during the debates is making a huge mistake,” said Mr. Keegan Goudiss, a partner at Revolution Messaging, who served as the director of digital advertising for the Bernie Sanders 2016 campaign for president. “That is where people are forming their opinion. That’s where your base and people who might be persuadable are, and journalists are picking up on key moments.”
Mr. Goudiss was one of the panelists at GW’s Graduate School of Political Management (GSPM) recent event, “Twitter as a Venue for Politics.” The event included the panel “The Last War. How Was Twitter Used during the 2016 Presidential Campaign?” which was moderated by Michael Cohen, assistant professor and chief data scientist of the GSPM’s PEORIA Project.
Michael Cornfield of the GSPM PEORIA Project kicked off the discussion by outlining how the PEORIA Project tracks and analyzes social media data collected during the 2016 election cycle. Social listening is as important as polling and focus groups as a campaign research tool, according to Dr. Cornfield.
Read the full GW Today story
Tweet! GSPM Event Highlights Importance of Twitter’s Role in 2016 Elections
April 7, 2017

Michael Cornfield, Assoc. Prof. of Political Management, addresses the audience. (William Atkins/GW Today)