Janis Owens

Janis Owens
Adjunct Professor, Book Design Course, M.P.S. in Publishing, George Washington University.
Areas of Expertise
- Book Design and Production
- Marketing Graphic Design and Production
- Adobe Creative Suite Proficiency
- Photography
Janis Owens is a freelance book designer. She came to publishing at Little, Brown and Company in Boston, beginning in the sales and marketing department, eventually moving to the production department. She became a Senior Adult Trade Book Designer for the Trade Book division of Little, Brown.
As a freelancer, she has run her own design studio working for such publishers as Davis Publications, Addison Wesley, David Godine, Northeastern University Press, Beacon Press, Texas Tech University Press and Times Books. She partnered with Books By Design, Inc., in Cambridge, Mass., where she became more involved in the college textbook area creating course material for Houghton, Mifflin and Bedford-St. Martin.
Other work includes catalogues and marketing material for museums and other businesses.
- Art History/Studio Art, Rollins College
Further study in design and photography at :
- New England School of Art and Design;
- Mass College of Art;
- Northeastern University;
- MIT Photo Lab;
- Essex Photographic Workshop;
- Harvard Extension.
- Bookbuilders of Boston board member and president
- New England Book Show, Bookbuilders of Boston, award recipient for book designs
- Fifty Best Books, AIGA
- Bookbinders Guild of New York, various book binding awards
- New England Museum Association, Publications Design Award, for work with the Art Complex Museum
- Duxbury Art Association Juried Art Show, for Photography
- Duxbury Art Show Midsummer Show, for Photography
- Plymouth Artist Guild, Annual Photography Show, for Photography
- Book Design, GW
- Graphic Arts Production, Simmons College