In the fall of 2022, the College of Professional Studies embarked on its first-ever Strategic Planning Process—Our Roadmap. This initiative marked a transformative milestone, reflecting our shared commitment to the values that define CPS and our aspirations as an institution.
It is with great enthusiasm that I share with you the newly published 2023-2024 CPS Annual Roadmap Report. This report provides a comprehensive reflection on the College's achievements and innovations over the past year.
It highlights significant milestones, celebrates the dedication and hard work of our community, and showcases initiatives that have propelled our mission and goals forward. The Annual Roadmap Report not only allows us to take pride in what we have accomplished, but also sets a clear vision for the future of CPS.
As we look ahead to the new year, I want to extend my deepest gratitude to the CPS team and our broader community for their unwavering dedication and contributions. Together, we continue to shape the future of our college and the impact it has on our students and society.
Please take a moment to explore the report and join me in celebrating the remarkable work we have accomplished together.