Student Policies & Forms
Student Policies & Forms

Student Policies & Forms



Please be sure to return all completed forms to your Student Success Coach.

Registration Transaction Form (RTF)

Used to manually register/drop/withdraw from classes as instructed by Student Success Coach.

Leave of Absence/Continuous Enrollment Form

Students must stay continuously enrolled in the University during fall and spring semesters, even if not taking classes that semester. Submit a leave of absence if you are not planning on taking courses during a semester. File for Continuous Enrollment if completing outstanding work in courses in which a grade of Incomplete is received or if attending another institution with prior approval to have work transferred back to your GW program. Requests should be submitted prior to the semester of the request.

Complete Withdrawal Form

Used to drop/withdraw from all courses when a student does not intend to return to the University.

Incomplete Contract

At the discretion of the instructor, an incomplete may be granted, if a student, for reasons beyond the student’s control, is unable to complete the work for the course.  The coursework must be completed within the designated time period agreed upon by the instructor and student in the Incomplete Contract, but no more than one calendar year from the end of the semester in which the course was taken.

Petition for Academic Exception

A petition is used to request an exemption on a University or CPS policy (where permitted).  It must be signed by your Program Director before submission to the Dean’s Office for review.

Half -Time/Full -Time Certification Form

Use this form to be certified as a half-time or full-time student when you are not registered for the correct number of credits but meet the criteria listed on the form. Note that this will only be approved for the reasons listed on the form and that being in the final semester of your program does not qualify as an approved reason.

Late Graduation Paper Application

The paper application should only be used if you have missed the published deadline for your degree completion semester.


Students can find College of Professional Studies and GW policies in the University Bulletin. If you have any questions about these policies please contact your Student Success Coach or your program director (who is also your academic advisor).