Dear CPS/GSPM Community,
It is with a heavy heart that I share the passing of former Congressman Bob Carr, a beloved faculty member of the Graduate School of Political Management, on August 27, 2024. Congressman Carr served 18 years in the U.S. House and was a dedicated advocate for GSPM and our students.
Beyond Congress, he built a distinguished career as a lawyer, educator and advisor. At GSPM, he taught Ethics & Congress, inspiring countless students with his knowledge and passion. He was also a senior advisor at Brookings Executive Education and Transnational Strategy Group LLC. His expertise in governance, ethics and infrastructure greatly influenced both our community and the broader field.
Congressman Carr’s impact on our school and his students was profound, and he will be greatly missed. We extend our heartfelt condolences to his family and all who knew him.
Below are some quotes from individuals who knew him best, reflecting the remarkable person he was.
- Dr. Christopher Arterton
"Bob Carr was a strong advocate for GSPM because he supported its mission as a non-partisan force for democracy and colleagueship across the political divide. He was a highly regarded professor of advocacy and legislative affairs and he served on the school’s advisory committee where he became a persuasive voice for the proposition that institutions of higher education could play a powerful role in improving the American democracy."
Dr. Christopher Arterton
Professor Emeritus of Political Management
Founding Dean (1987 -- 2010) of The Graduate School of Political Management- Dr. Todd Belt
"Former Congressman Bob Carr was a much beloved adjunct professor and a great friend to GSPM. Just two and a half months ago, Bob led a private, after-hours tour of the Capitol for our Washington DC Residency students. Bob loved teaching and was hoping to return to the classroom in the near future. He will be sorely missed."
Dr. Todd Belt, Director & Professor
GSPM Political Management Master’s Program- Dr. Steven Billet
“You don’t get many chances to work with one of your heroes, so when Bob agreed to teach in our Legislative Affairs Program, we were thrilled.
Service was sacred to Bob. When he took over a class in our program called “Running and Ruling,” all about the decisions facing members of Congress, he insisted that we change the class title to “Running and Serving.” When we needed someone to teach our ethics class, it took me two nanoseconds to offer it to Bob. While he was passionate about many issues, Bob never took himself too seriously. He always shared the lessons of his experiences with grace, humility and good humor.
Bea and I were blessed to count Bob as a friend. We will certainly miss his kindness and warmth. Our condolences to Bob’s family and his many friends.”
Dr. Steven Billet, Former Director
GSPM Legislative Affairs Master’s Program- Dr. Casey Burgat
"Professor Bob Carr was a thoughtful and deeply engaged educator who generously shared his wealth of hard-earned experiences with his students, leaving a lasting impact on all who had the privilege of learning from him. His dedication to teaching and public service will be greatly missed.'
Dr. Casey Burgat, Director & Assistant Professor
GSPM Legislative Affairs Master's Program- Dr. Michael Cornfield
“Bob Carr was the epitome of a great colleague. Whenever I saw him at GSPM I knew he would have something bright and witty to say. I knew as well that he would listen intently to whatever I had to say, and respond with a good comment or question. Our conversations brought me enlightenment and joy.
Bob knew a lot about a lot of things and was forever curious and reflective. He did not strut his knowledge; he shared it. I miss him dearly.”
Dr. Michael Cornfield
Former GSPM Professor- Dr. Matt Dallek
“Bob Carr was a warm, humble former member of Congress who was always happy to share his insights, wisdom, and expertise with my GSPM students. When my Washington Residency course had a lecturer cancel at the last minute, Bob graciously agreed to fill in. He then proceeded to lead a riveting tour of the House side of the U.S. Capitol Building for GSPM students. On this night, his comments blended memories of working as a member of Congress with astute analysis of how politics had changed through the decades.
Regardless of their political views, students loved Bob, and they felt comfortable around him. They asked him pointed questions, listened intently to his every word, soaked up his knowledge, and they left their visits with Bob imbued with a spirit of public service that Bob had given them. His legacy will live on through the many lives he touched -- students, faculty, and staff throughout his years of service to GSPM. All of those who came into contact with Bob will miss him.”
Dr. Matt Dallek, Professor
GSPM Political Management Master’s Program- Lesley Lopez
“Nearly a decade ago, when I was contemplating running for office the first time, Bob kindly offered to have lunch with me and provide insights on how to run, win, and not lose myself in the process. It's a conversation that shaped the trajectory of my life. His patience, generosity and wisdom will never be forgotten—by me and so many others.”
Lesley Lopez, Director & Assistant Professor
GSPM Public Relations & Communications Master’s Program- Michael Pissos
“Bob Carr was great. He truly cared about the experiences of his students and wanted to share everything he knew about Congress and how DC works. He would put his students ahead of everything else going on and made the largest effort to connect. He was beyond happy to answer any and all questions and my Washington Residency class was very fortunate in June to have had him lead us on a private tour of the Capitol, even though it was evident he wasn't feeling great. He would've been more than justified to cancel that tour, but he went above and beyond to make sure his students had a unique experience that not many people will get, and I think that says a lot about the type of person he was.”
Michael Pissos
Alumnus, GSPM Political Management Master’s Program, Class of 2024
President, GSPM Student Association- Collan Rosier
“As fellow Michiganders, Bob and I liked talking about politics and elections back home in Michigan, but also the best bike trails around DC. His course--then called "Running & Ruling"—highlighted what is best about GSPM: walking in the shoes of practitioners. It was eye-opening to learn how to run for Congress, what issues to focus on in your district, key demographics and interest groups among your constituents, and the day-to-day logistics of being a member of Congress. Best of all, though, was hearing his firsthand account of living through a transformative period in the evolution of Congress in the post-Watergate era.”
Collan Rosier, Alumnus
GSPM Legislative Affairs Master’s Program, Class of 2015

Liesl Riddle, PhD
Dean, College of Professional Studies
The George Washington University